Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Bloggggg :)

Monday July 9, 2012
Right now I am getting movies from my friend's external  hard-drive onto mine..This whole getting 10 hours of sleep thing is really making me see I need to stock-up.  I am also waiting for my hot water to cool a little before taking a bucket bath.

THIS JUST IN: For the next two years, Facebook will basically be useless to me! Internet is too slow and I won't want to pay for it on my phone.. If you want me, write me. Or email me, at  I'm fo-serious on this.  So if you need to tell me something SUUUper important, messaging me on fb wont be good enough.  Without a strong and cheap internet connection,fb is useless.

I've been eating a lot of "pop" lately, or corn.  It is the Swazi staple food.  It is really not too bad, although nutritionally useless.  I have been eating with y host family everynight, and eating A LOT of peanut butter...I am not a peanut butter kind of girl, and Swaziland seems to have no jelly!, so care packages with anything else will be greatly appreciated..of waht, I do not know, but be creative!

Living here has been really nice so far.  Adjusting to life without electricity and running water has not been to bad too adjust to, shockingly easy actually. But, I have also only been here a week, so who knows how things will turn out.   I need to take a bath but don't want to do so while my computer is still on.  I had had hopes of watching a movie tonight, but those thoughts are quickly fading.. Oh well, another time.

I have enjoyed writing letters, and of course am jealous of people who have all ready recieved mail! Who knows how it was so quick! Oh well, I am sure your letters (for the next two years, dont forget) will surely start flowing :)  I really am soon to give up on the internet.. I am typing this blog tonight but who knows when I will post it.

I need to do my laundry soon.  Of course, being the over packer I am, I am still ok for a few days, but it will definetly be time soon. I forgot to bring sweatpants! Who knows what I was thinking (oh I know, it was stated that women DO NOT WEAR PANTS, so I didn't bring any).  THe other pants I have are all packed in a suitcase that I will get back afer being sworn in, in August.  It is definetly nice being without too much stuff, when I get my other suitcase back I really do not know where I will put my things.  Time to Bucket Bathe! More later!!

Friday,July 13, 2012
All of the time I took copying movies temporarily failed! I don't have a certain thing downloaded on to my comp! Bummer! When I get some reliable internet I will download the program.

Monday, July 9, 2012

     We left IDM today, the place where we stayed for our Pre-training.  Man were we spoiled there! with electricity and hot running water.
     I was SO NERVOUS to move in with my host family.  I guess the idea of it never really dawned on me.  But all my nerves evaporated when my bhuti(father) welcomed me with open arms.  I could see the joy of having me stay with his family in his eyes, it wiped away all of my fears.  Its so cute, he keeps telling me he wants me to feel free but that I also must be safe.. . For example, I can't go outside to the bathroom at night! (thank god for Burning Man!) He will walk me to school (training) in the morning and pick me up.  He told me if I want to go to a friend's house he will walk me there.  He is really sweet.  He speaks a lot of English, as most Swazis do, but all he says is "You will teach me English, I will teach you Siswati."  And let me tell you, Siswati is hard!  But he really pushes that I will learn, and it is really awesome.
 Right now dogs are barking all over this beautiful country side.  My bhuti works for himself, growing avacados, bananas, corn, etc.  He gave me a papaya he grew when I first got here.  And avacado trees are HUGE! I had no idea!! It is strange to live on a mountain, but the landscape is really growing on me.
 Being in Africa is really surreal.  I notice, and then I don't notice.  It is really beautiful, but then there is so much trash on the side of the street.
  Anyyywho, I am beat and need to go to sleep, it is coming up past 9 pm which is late for me now! I already have a list of things I would like in care packages, but am not sharing them for now.  This is because I have decided that instead of thinking about myself, for now I would like to think about this LOVING family that has adopted me.  I already have more things in my luggage than they probably own (besides my Bhuti's farming supplies). I'd rather wait to get Care Packages for myself until after I have moved to my permanant site, in September.  For now I would LOVE it if you sent me care packages for my host family.  I live with adorable kids.  I have a 3 year old Bhuti (brother), a 7 year old Sisi (sister), and a 12 year old Bhuti.  Honestly, my sisi showed me her little toys and what seemed like prized possessions and she had some crayons, a head band, and some hair clips from Clairs.  Great stuff, but I would love to be able to share more.  I, being the slow-ish person I am, of course did not bring ananything for my Babe or Mage, or their children :( Maybe some loving letters and some gifts for these people who now love me would be some things you could send.  Of course nothing large, shipping things to Africa will be expensive, but if your missing me a lot find something my new sibblings might like and perhaps send that along :)  My PC main post office (below) is the best place to send things, because it will be the cheapest for me because PC will not be charged customs.  Write "Jesus Saves" or something along those lines to help with the security of whatever you send. It will take a while to get here, so please send them before the end of July.
  I love you all and am looking forward to hearing from you!!

  Jessica Randall/ PCV
 PO Box 2797
  Mbabane H100

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Leaving. June 27, 2012.

I tried to upload a photo of me, there will be a before and after, but can't find y cord right now. Nor can I connect to the internet and so this is being uploaded a few days after I've left.
   Last night we went to dinner.  Philly for 12 hours was a good time.  Training really wasn't bad, carrying around my backpack was.  Ha.  Ad then they made me check it anyway, hence the lack of my cord.  I am aout to go on 15.5 hour flight, this will be interesting.  I must go buy a sandwhich first.
 It's pretty crazy to be going, but awesome!  I wonder how much I will be changing (a lot) and what I will be like when I get back.  I'm upset I can't connect to the internet right now, but I will get used to it.  I just don't want to pay 10.00$ for using the internet for an hour.  We start boarding in an hour, and after only sleping 3 hours on the bust today and then two on the airport ground I a ready to get some more sleep.

I Love you all!  Next time I'll be in Swaziland!  Some intense training is coming up.  Meeting everyone yesterday was awesome.  41 people in my group, and we all connected so quickly, easy to do when you are going on a mission this big.  Most of the people in Group 10 are around mmy age, but it is really neat to have two married couples, one a bit older who have served in PC before, and then a range of ages.  A 32 year old girl said she felt old, and I told her not to worry, if it was the right time to join now then she was not too old to do so.
 Saying goodbye yesterday was tough, watching everyone as I walked away from the airport entrance and through security.  But I can't wait to be in touch soon!!

NY, 4:30 AM

Me before I left! (not the greatest photo, I blame the photographer)